I am very excited about the new content. Still editing the video to get the right look and choice speeds. using Adobe AfterEffects to enhance my Final Cut.. a world of difference. This image is a good indication of the fractured multi-angle reimagination of the dance that the work inhabits. its a shape shifting as if looking through a prism reimagination of the body. editing the Crik footy now. thanks to Douz and Mille and DNA
ABOVE: Artist and Dancer, "Cricket" performing in front of the capture rig at Dance New Amsterdam for a new untitled video installation work in progress
ABOVE: Still from BENCH, intersection of GRAND and WOOSTER, MANHATTAN NYC JULY 2008. I chose this as a still because it shares in one frame the public gaze ( as embodied in the driver ) and a reflection on the surface of the car of my video capture and mobility apparatus.
While I was editing a new version of my 2008 video and performance work "Bench" today I realized I might want to share more what is happening in my creative work even if it is a small thing. This BENCH piece I have featured here previously and have installed as an "in-the-round" work. Now I am recreating an HD single screen composite of the video. I want this edit to be seen especially as it includes a new landscape arrangement of the six channels that pulls all the screens in one continuous line. I enjoy this aspect of the video because it ties together front and rear more intuitively. This work may be included in a museum group show which I will not disclose yet until confirmed. Its deadline time.
I knew this alternate take was out there somewhere. This is the version that was aired on MTV2. This version is also a single take and has a few more "tricks" in it but I feel my performance is stylistically way weaker and too rushed. I think this was like take 6 or 7. The one that has the pole freeze and a million+ hits that has recieved all the critical acclaim is take 16. Also checkout this FACEBOOK FAN CLUB out of the UK. I had no idea it was there till yesterday.
This video shows my transient presence through the streets of manhattan on a skateboard with a suitcase full of cameras between my legs. Take note of my reflections in the vehicles I pass them with the rig. Bench is a work within the Shannon Public Works Trilogy. The trilogy consist of divergent attempts at bringing my street performance art, rhythmic and utilitarian skateboarding, streetdance, choreography and clown like rapport with randomn pedestrians to live ticketed audiences in an authentic manner. The key to authenticity, which all the works were designed around, was the preservation of the social fabric of the street and the pedestrian and vehicular trafffic patterns therein.